eduPersonAffiliation SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAffiliation Affiliation Zugehörigkeit Affiliation Tipo di membro 職位 Affiliation: Type of affiliation with Home Organization Art der Zugehörigkeit zur Heimatorganisation Art der Zugehörigkeit zur Heimorganisation Type d'affiliation dans l'organisation Tipo di membro: Tipo di lavoro svolto per l'organizzazione 所属機関における職位(faculty,staff,student,memberなど) eduPersonAssurance SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAssurance Assurance level Vertrauensgrad Niveau de confiance Livello di sicurezza 保証レベル Set of URIs that assert compliance with specific standards for identity assurance. URIs die eine gewisse Zusicherung für spezifische Standards des Vertrauens beinhalten Un ensemble d'URI qui attestent la conformité selon un standard pour les niveaux d'assurance d'identités Un insieme di URI che asseriscono l'osservanza dei livelli di sicurezza richiesti IDの保証レベルに関して特定の基準に準拠していることを示すURI eduPersonEntitlement SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement Entitlement Berechtigung Entitlement Prerogativa 資格情報 Member of: URI (either URL or URN) that indicates a set of rights to specific resources based on an agreement across the releavant community Zeichenkette, die Rechte für spezifische Ressourcen beschreibt Membre de: URI (soit une URL ou une URN) décrivant un droit spécific d'accès. Membro delle seguenti URI (sia URL o URN) che rappresentano diritti specifici d'accesso validi in tutta la communità 特定のアプリケーションもしくはコミュニティ内の複数リソースへのアクセス権限を持つことを示すURI(URLもしくはURN) eduPersonNickname SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonNickname Nickname Kurzname Übername Surnom Diminutivo ニックネーム Person's nickname, or the informal name by which they are accustomed to be hailed. Kurzname einer Person, oder üblicher Rufname zur Begrüßung. Übername einer Person, oder üblicher Rufname zur Begrüssung. Nom personnalisable pour un usage informel. Diminutivo della persona, o soprannome. 利用者のニックネームもしくは通称 eduPersonOrgDN SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonOrgDN Organization distinguished name Distinguished name (DN) of the directory entry representing the institution with which the person is associated. eduPersonOrgUnitDN SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonOrgUnitDN Organization unit distinguished name Distinguished name(s) (DN) of the directory entries representing the person's Organizational Unit(s). eduPersonOrcid SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:oid: ORCID ORCID researcher identifier(s) belonging to a person. eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation Primary affiliation Primäre Zugehörigkeit Affiliation pricipale Appartenenza principale 主要職位 Specifies the person's primary relationship to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc. Spezifiziert der Hauptbeziehung einer Person innerhalb ihrer Organisation in groben Kategorien wie Student, Mitarbeiter, Alumni, etc. Spécifie la relation principale d'une personne avec l'institution selon des majeures catégories comme étudiant, collaborateur, alumni etc. Specifica la relazione principale dell persona con l'istituzione secondo le maggiori categorie come studente, collaboratore, alumni, etc. 所属機関における主要な職位(faculty,staff,student,memberなど) eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN SAML2StringTranscoder SAML1StringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN Primary organization unit distinguished name Distinguished name (DN) of the directory entry representing the person's primary Organizational Unit. eduPersonPrincipalName SAML2ScopedStringTranscoder SAML1ScopedStringTranscoder CASScopedStringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrincipalName false Principal name Persönliche ID Principal Name Principal Name プリンシパルID A unique identifier for a person, mainly for inter-institutional user identification. Eindeutige Benutzeridentifikation Eindeutige Benützeridentifikation L'identifiant unique de l'utilisateur Un ID personale che identifica chiaramente l'utente in seno alla sua organizzazione フェデレーション内で一意かつ永続的な利用者識別子 eduPersonPrincipalNamePrior SAML2ScopedStringTranscoder SAML1ScopedStringTranscoder CASScopedStringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:oid: false Prior principal name(s) eduPersonPrincipalName value(s) previously associated with the entry. eduPersonScopedAffiliation SAML2ScopedStringTranscoder SAML1ScopedStringTranscoder CASScopedStringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonScopedAffiliation false Scoped affiliation Zugehörigkeit Affiliation Tipo di membro スコープ付き職位 Specifies the person's affiliation within a particular security domain Art der Zugehörigkeit zur Heimatorganisation Art der Zugehörigkeit zur Heimorganisation Type d'affiliation dans l'organisation Tipo di membro: Tipo di lavoro svolto per l'organizzazione セキュリティドメインのスコープが付いた所属機関における職位 eduPersonUniqueId SAML2ScopedStringTranscoder SAML1ScopedStringTranscoder CASScopedStringTranscoder urn:oid: urn:oid: false Unique ID Eindeutige ID ID unique ID unico ユニークID A unique identifier for a person, mainly for inter-institutional user identification. Eindeutige Benutzeridentifikation Eindeutige Benützeridentifikation Identifiant unique de l'utilisateur Un identificativo personale che identifica chiaramente l'utente in seno alla sua organizzazione フェデレーション内で一意で永続的かつ難読化された利用者識別子(後継はサブジェクトID)