set term png medium size 6400,1200 enhanced font "Helvitica" 14 set datafile missing "-" set xlabel "Date" set timefmt "%s" set format x "%Y-%m-%d" # set format x "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set xdata time # set xtics rotate by 45 offset -0.8,-1.8 set xtics autofreq set ylabel "River level (m)" set grid y set key outside bottom center horizontal set label 11 left at graph 0,char 1 "Data from Environment Agency processed via" font ",12" ### Canterbury set term png medium size 3600,800 enhanced font "Helvitica" 14 set timefmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M" set xrange ['2000-01-01 00:00:00':'2000-12-31 23:59:59'] set output "out/canterbury-1143-stacked.png" set title "River Levels around at Vauxhall Bridge, Great Stour" plot \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "2014", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:3 with linespoints title "2015", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:4 with linespoints title "2016", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:5 with linespoints title "2017", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:6 with linespoints title "2018", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:7 with linespoints title "2019", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:8 with linespoints title "2020", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:9 with linespoints title "2021", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:10 with linespoints title "2022", \ "1143-pivot.txt" using 1:11 with linespoints title "2023" set output "out/canterbury-1145-stacked.png" set title "River Levels around at Wye, Great Stour" plot \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "2014", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:3 with linespoints title "2015", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:4 with linespoints title "2016", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:5 with linespoints title "2017", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:6 with linespoints title "2018", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:7 with linespoints title "2019", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:8 with linespoints title "2020", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:9 with linespoints title "2021", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:10 with linespoints title "2022", \ "1145-pivot.txt" using 1:11 with linespoints title "2023" set output "out/canterbury-1135-stacked.png" set title "River Levels around at Chartham, Great Stour" plot \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "2014", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:3 with linespoints title "2015", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:4 with linespoints title "2016", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:5 with linespoints title "2017", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:6 with linespoints title "2018", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:7 with linespoints title "2019", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:8 with linespoints title "2020", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:9 with linespoints title "2021", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:10 with linespoints title "2022", \ "1135-pivot.txt" using 1:11 with linespoints title "2023" set output "out/canterbury-9274-stacked.png" set title "River Levels around at Westgate Gardens, Great Stour" plot \ "9274-pivot.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "2020", \ "9274-pivot.txt" using 1:3 with linespoints title "2021", \ "9274-pivot.txt" using 1:4 with linespoints title "2022", \ "9274-pivot.txt" using 1:5 with linespoints title "2023"