const definitionPermalink = require('./11ty/helpers/definitionPermalink'); const renderDefinitionContentNextEntries = require('./11ty/shortcodes/renderDefinitionContentNextEntries'); const metaDescriptionWithFlag = require('./11ty/shortcodes/metaDescriptionWithFlag'); const findExistingDefinition = require('./11ty/filters/helpers/findExistingDefinition'); const pluginRss = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss'); module.exports = function(config) { // Add a filter using the Config API config.addFilter('linkTarget', definitionPermalink); config.addFilter('linkIfExistsInCollection', (word, collection) => { const existingDefinition = findExistingDefinition(word, collection); if (existingDefinition) { return `${word}`; } return `${word}`; }); config.addFilter('linkSubTermIfDefined', (subTermData, collection) => { const existingDefinition = findExistingDefinition( subTermData.full_title, collection ); if (existingDefinition) { return `${ subTermData.text }`; } return `${subTermData.text}`; }); // just a debug filter to lazily inspect the content of anything in a template config.addFilter('postInspect', function(post) { console.log(post); }); config.addFilter('isArray', function(thing) { return Array.isArray(thing); }); config.addPlugin(pluginRss); config.addShortcode('definitionFlag', (flag) => { const cleanText = new Map([ [ 'avoid', { class: 'avoid', text: 'Avoid' } ], [ 'better-alternative', { class: 'better', text: 'Better alternate' } ], [ 'tool', { class: 'tool', text: '' } ], [ 'warning', { class: 'warning', text: '' } ] ]); if (flag) { const info = cleanText.get(flag.level.toLowerCase()); const sep = flag.text && info.text ? '—' : ''; const text = flag.text ? [info.text, flag.text].join(sep) : info.text; return `


`; } return '

'; }); config.addShortcode( 'renderDefinitionContentNextEntries', renderDefinitionContentNextEntries ); config.addShortcode('metaDescriptionWithFlag', metaDescriptionWithFlag); // NOTE (ovlb): this will not be remembered as the best code i’ve written. if anyone seeing this has a better solution then the following to achieve sub groups of the definitions: i am happy to get rid of it config.addCollection('tableOfContent', (collection) => { const allItems = collection .getFilteredByGlob('./11ty/definitions/*.md') .filter((word) => ! .sort((a, b) => { const { title: firstTitle } =; const { title: secondTitle } =; const sortA = firstTitle.toLowerCase().replace(/^-/, ''); const sortB = secondTitle.toLowerCase().replace(/^-/, ''); // `localeCompare()` is super cool: return sortA.localeCompare(sortB); }); const split = { notLetters: { title: '#', definitions: [] }, aToE: { title: 'A–E', definitions: [] }, fToL: { title: 'F–L', definitions: [] }, mToS: { title: 'M–S', definitions: [] }, tToZ: { title: 'T–Z', definitions: [] } }; allItems.forEach((word) => { const { title } =; const { notLetters, aToE, fToL, mToS, tToZ } = split; const sortableTitle = title.replace(/^-/, ''); if (/^[a-e]/gim.test(sortableTitle)) { return aToE.definitions.push(word); } if (/^[f-l]/i.test(sortableTitle)) { return fToL.definitions.push(word); } if (/^[m-s]/i.test(sortableTitle)) { return mToS.definitions.push(word); } if (/^[t-z]/i.test(sortableTitle)) { return tToZ.definitions.push(word); } // no reg ex as the fallback to avoid testing for emojis and numbers notLetters.definitions.push(word); }); return Object.keys(split).map((key) => { const { title, definitions } = split[key]; return { title, definitions }; }); }); config.addCollection('definedWords', (collection) => { return collection .getFilteredByGlob('./11ty/definitions/*.md') .filter((word) => .sort((a, b) => { // `localeCompare()` is super cool: return .toLowerCase() .localeCompare(; }); }); config.addCollection('definedWordsChronological', (collection) => { return collection .getFilteredByGlob('./11ty/definitions/*.md') .filter((word) => .sort((a, b) => { if ( > return -1; if ( < return 1; return 0; }); }); const mdIt = require('markdown-it')({ html: true }); const prism = require('markdown-it-prism'); const anchor = require('markdown-it-anchor'); mdIt.use(prism); mdIt.use(anchor); config.setLibrary('md', mdIt); config.addPassthroughCopy({ [`./11ty/assets/js/**/*`]: '/js' }); // You can return your Config object (optional). return { dir: { input: '11ty', output: 'dist' }, templateFormats: ['njk', 'md'], htmlTemplateEngine: 'njk', markdownTemplateEngine: 'njk' }; };