2020-05-16 17:40:54 -04:00

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pow-wow pow-wow true noun or verb
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avoid cultural appropriation
brainstorm/brainstorming session
get together
whiteboard/whiteboarding session
work/working session
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Use these culturally offensive phrases, questions at your own risk https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/culturally-offensive-phrases-you-should-use-at
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Vice: How to be an ally to Native Americans and Indigenous people https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pa5a3m/how-to-be-an-ally-to-native-americans-indigenous-people
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Mic: Things we need to stop saying about Native Americans https://www.mic.com/articles/144584/things-we-need-to-stop-saying-about-native-americans
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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples (4th Ed) https://www.chinookmarketplace.com/products/book-working-effectively-with-indigenous-peoples-4th-edition

comes from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning "spiritual leader; (also spelled powwow, powaw, pawaw, powah, pauwau and pawau); social gathering, ceremony, or celebrations held in different Native American communities that can be spiritually symbolic in nature, involve dancing and regalia, and involve months of planning with hundreds of people in attendance; colloquially is culturally appropriated and used to mean "to meet" (verb) or meeting, working session, or gathering (noun).


Non-Native/non-Indigenous people using pow-wow outside of the context of its Native American meaning and significance is culturally appropriation through terminology.

Using culturally appropriative language while Native American and Indigenous people are systematically harmed reinforces settler colonial oppression.


Cultural appropriation is problematic because it robs the culture from the people without their consent, while the people behind the culture are left behind and systemically excluded from the spaces using their culture.

Using Native and Indigenous culture outside of its intended meaning also demeans its value to the culture. Connoting that your five-person meeting about making an app is somehow the same as culturally significant event minimises what powwows are.